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[Guide + Release] Return Of Warrior Server Files

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[Guide + Release] Return Of Warrior Server Files Empty [Guide + Release] Return Of Warrior Server Files

Post  [kns] KiDz Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:57 am

Credits to:
-MorbidA who fixed all server files, mssql database and unpacked ROW client.exe...and gave permission to release files here.
-Xavi2k4 who provided various client backup files.
-few others that was part of getting and releasing offical server files public.

This release contains:
-ROW server files with fixed DBagent, Gameserver and DemonSetup.ini
-ROW fixed database (in MSSQL 2008 format)
-RYL2 V2240 Databases (in MSSQL 2005 format) that should work with ROW server also.
-9 different ROW client.exe versions
-7 different offical ROW scripts versions
-Full ROW client patch that works well with server files and has additional stuff made on them to try out.
-txt versions from client side scripts
-Unpacked ROW client.exe v1020
-ROW gm command list (originally released here by yoshi1337)
-ROW server setup and MSSQL 2008 database installation guides with pictures

login.dat ip and all other ip settings are made to connect to in default
version is set to 1022 in server and client and checksum is set to 0x00000001.
Copy DemonSetup.ini to your windows folder and you can edit setup with using SeverSetupDlg program in your row server folder.
ROW database has 5 game accounts ready.

known bugs:
-upgrading works only with client.exe 1020 and below
-ride & transform works with client.exe 1022 and above
-participating to statue wars works only for characters with gm status
(note that we have fixed this but want ppl to have something to do on their own)

Download all from here:

additional downloads:
MSSQL2005 express: ... fault.aspx
MSSQL2008 express: ... fault.aspx

MSSQL 2005/2008 Server configuration manager settings(taken from my working server):

SQL Server network protocols -> Protocols for SQLEXPRESS:
-Shared memory = Enabled
-Named Pipes = Disabled
-TCP/IP = Enabled
-VIA = Disabled

TCP/IP properties (IP address tab):
Active YES
Enabled YES
IP Address
TCP port 1433

SQL native client configuration -> Client protocols:
-Shared memory = Enabled
-Named Pipes = Enabled
-TCP/IP = Enabled
-VIA = Disabled

guna ni untuk buat level 60 jadi level 100
credit : bapakayam

leeched from and post from wanbotak

ROW Server guide for MSSQL2008 (v 1.0)

This guide should also help set up other RYL servers and set up MSSQL 2005 also but this is made and tested
with ROW fixed server and MSSQL 2008 fixed database.
If you dont want to mess your PC, you can do this all in Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
virtual machine.
(i was setting this up, tested and ran it only in virtual pc and works well)

I have also updated fixed server files package because it missed one important script that
i noticed during this guide making.

Required software:
-MSSQL2008 any edition
-NET Framework 3.5 SP1
-Windows Installer 4.5
-Windows PowerShell
-Operating system:
Windows XP with SP2 (needs to be able to pass validation to install powershell)
Windows 2003 Server standard or better with SP2

-ROW Fixed Database for MSSQL 2008
-ROW fixed server files v.1.1
-Webserver to able to show php content (if you want make account registration and such)
-Hex editor (for login.dat editing)

Part 1 – Installing MSSQL 2008 Express Edition

After you have installed required windows updates, you can start to install MSSQL 2008.
Launch installer and select top one from installation list (see picture 01.png)

After that click “next” until you come to screen shown in 02.png. Select those 2 features
to install and choose installation folder (usually default one is ok).

When you come to part “server configuration”, you need to select can just
choose your local system account from dropmenu when you click account field. (see picture 03.png)

Then you come to "database engine configuration". you can click "add current user" to add your
local admin account there and you can also set password for SA if you want. (see picture 04.png).
Then click next until you have completed installing mssql.

Part 2 - MSSQL Server configuration settings

Open your Sql Server Configuration Manager (start menu->programs->microsoft sql...etc")
Go to part "protocols for SQLEXPRESS" and disable named pipes and right click "TCP/IP" and
choose properties (look picture 05.png)
Set all TCP ports to 1433 and remove possibly dynamic ports. After you appleid changes it asks
to restart mssql service but you can do that later when all settings are set.

Now go to "native client configuration" and find TCP/IP and do same as above but there is only
port that you might possibly have to change. (see picture 06.png)
You can also disable named pipes but its not necessary...

Now you can restart your mssql service from sql server services and right click running service
and choose "restart".

Now this might been reason why many ppl had connection problems to database especially in mssql 2008...
go to your odbc data sources (administration tools->data sources(odbc))
add new sql server data source somewhere like system DSN and type server ip etc until you get in screen
where you can see button "client configuration..." click it and take checkmark off from
"Dynamically detemine port" and put there 1433 in text field below (see picture 14.png)
After that is done you can cancel making new data source and close it.

Part 3 - Restoring and setting up ROW database

Open Microsoft SQL Server management studio...When its open, right click "databases" folder in left
and choose "New Database..." and start create all databases that ROW requires (see picture 07.png)
Remember to set also folder where it will save your databases (in picture its c:\rowdb in example).

You need to create same way following databases:


Use exactly same names because there is some stored procedures that call dbs by name and if they are not correct
it might cause problem.

After all databases are created, you can start restore them from package "ROW Database (fixed) (for MSSQL2008).zip)"
Extract zip package somewhere like C:\rowrestore.

Right click your database called ROWadmintool and choose options shown in picture 08.png
Select restore from device and browse folder where is your files you extracted from database package etc
(see picture 09.png)
Then go to options tab and checkmark top one to overwrite existing db and set folders for logs and data files.
(see picture 10.png)
Then you can click ok and your database will be restored. Do this same to all databases listed above.

After all databases are restored successfully, you need to set login and database owner.
Select logins folder and right click and select "new login" and you will see same as in picture 11.png
set login name, choose sql auth and set password and take off password expiration.

Now you can go to next tab "server roles" and set your user as sysadmin if you want...

Go to tab "user napping" and there check all ROW databases from list and set your user as db owner.
After that you can click ok and its done. (see picture 12.png)

While you have management studio open you can go to ROWgame database and look table dbo.AdminList
Open it by right click and select "edit top 200 rows"
Since there is 5 pre made users in database, you can set them GM powers in adminlist.
In picture 13.png there is admin powers (3) set for admin accounts and supporter powers (1) for
GM accounts.

After this you can close management tool....

Part 4 - Configuring ROW server

Now extract your package "ROW Server" somewhere in your hdd.
There is file called DemonSetup.ini, copy it to your windows folder and then launch ServerSetupDlg.exe
Edit there ip addresses if needed, you should leave those as local ip that you need to modify by
opening in separated box (db settings) and rest you can set as wan ip if you want other to connect also.

You can also modify exp, drop and fame rates...fame/medal is starting to be effective only somewhere 400 so
you need to use high number on it.

Save changes and close program.

Now open RYLServerController.ini and modify paths for following:


Save changes and launch RYLServerController.exe and startup all servers...if all goes green and doesnt crash,
it will be working then. If something crash, go look error logs from \server\whateverservercrashed

Part 5 - Making client connect to server

When you have installed ROW client and possibly "", you need to open login.dat
with any hex editor you can find. Search text string "loginres.dll" and below that there is login address
(can be ip or domain name). Edit that to whatever is your ip and if original was longer than your new,
fill rest with 00 (hex) and save.

After that is done, open Versioninfo.dat with notepad and check that version number is same as you have
set in server setup (if not, change it and save).

Now you should be able to connect to your own server succesfully.

If you want make other ppl connect your server and be able to create account easy, you need to set up
webserver such as xampp lite and find ryl php site files from other releases.
If you dont want to bother website for others yet, you can just make registration page show up in ryl
launcher when player lauch row client. For that you need to modify client file called index.html in
\Notice folder

Here is example code that you can use in clientside index.html:

<title>ROW TestServer</title>
<frameset rows="340,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="" name="mainFrame">

Image : -

Arpakuutio 14.12.2008

[kns] KiDz

Posts : 43
Join date : 2009-07-24

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